Bee heroes: A bee sponsorship with HONIGWERK HAMBURG

Most people think of honey when they think of bees. However, the main task of bees is not the production of sweet honey but the pollination of various flowers, trees, and bushes. If there were no bees, nothing in nature would work. The consequences would be a lack of pollination and a restricted development of the flowers. This in turn would lead to crop failures. The food basis of many animals would be endangered, and that of us humans as well.

This article was created in cooperation with our own brand BE CLIMATE.
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This article was created in cooperation with our own brand BE CLIMATE.
Learn more about BE CLIMATE on

It is therefore quite alarming that almost half of the more than 600 wild bee species  in Germany are threatened by extinction.[1]

Major causes of bee extinction are

  • climate change, such as changing rainfall patterns and blooming times, rising temperatures and extreme weather events;
  • industrial agriculture with large-scale monocultures and its use of pesticides;
  • infestation of honeybee colonies with the Varroa mite and the transmission of their disease.

It is therefore important to stand up for bees and their habitat.

With our company Port International and our brand BE CLIMATE, we have been involved in this area for several years already.

In February 2023, we started a new bee sponsorship with HONIGWERK HAMBURG.

What makes this sponsorship so special?

The focus of this sponsorship is on the health and viability of the bees.

The aim is that the bees overwinter on their own honey. This means that no feed syrup must be fed to the bees as a substitute for the honey, which significantly improves the natural vitality of the colonies. During the winter, a bee colony consumes about 15-20 kg of honey.

Another advantage is that the bee colonies start into the spring healthier and stronger and can thus increase their pollination performance. This promotes regional biodiversity.[2]

Is the bee sponsorship sustainable?

HONIGWERK HAMBURG achieves a CO2 reduction by letting their bees overwinter on their own honey. This leads to less honey being harvested, reduces the effort required for the harvesting process, and as a consequence decreases the production of honey jars, lids and labels. Saving on feed syrup also reduces the carbon footprint.

Ever since the beekeeping company was founded, HONIGWERK HAMBURG has pursued a “micro-regional” and climate-friendly approach. All bee colonies are located exclusively in the west of Hamburg and do not travel to other federal states to harvest varieties of honey (e.g. rapeseed). This reduces transport ways and the burden on the bees.

Who can take over a bee sponsorship?

Basically, anyone can become a bee sponsor.
If we stirred your interest, then please visit for more information. Perhaps an opportunity presents itself and you can take over a bee sponsorship.

Whichever way you want to get involved, one thing is certain: we must support and protect the bees and thus the preservation of biodiversity.

You want to know more about our BE CLIMATE bee sponsorship? Then follow us on Instagram.



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