Worms – the best employees underground
This is exactly what Ingleby Farms believes. Earthworms are not only a support for agriculture, they are also essential for our plants and the planet.
They improve the soil structure by building small tunnels under the ground with their movements. That way, they create better ventilation of the soil. More oxygen and nutrients are transported deep into the ground. Also, the soil becomes more stable and can absorb more water – according to a study, up to ten times faster than a wormless soil.[1]
But it is not only the soil that benefits from the little miracle animals, the plants do, too. The tunnels in the soil allow the roots of the plants to grow deep into the earth and reach more nutrients and water. In addition, earthworms decompose dead foliage and their excretions provide important nutrients for plants.[2]
There are over 3,000 different species of worms worldwide, some of which are threatened with extinction and are on the IUCN Red List.[3]
Ingleby Farms is committed to improve their soils by reducing their pesticide use and practice regenerative farming principles, and they help their soil microorganisms thrive by ensuring food and habitat in the form of diverse, continuous plant cover and reduce soil disturbance.
Ingleby’s efforts support the following SDGs: